
Currently is the largest developer jobs aggregator with 50k+ visitors monthly.

Interface Design

User Experience

Product Design




UI/UX Design



Findwork is a project for the company Honeylogic and is currently the largest developer jobs aggregator with 10k + visitors monthly. The website searches and filters the latest in remote tech jobs from the web.

There were two main challenges to tackle in the design:

1.How do we display a lot of information without it overwhelming the user that is searching for a job? How do we make it enjoyable to use our site?

2. How to make sure that companies don’t feel overwhelmed when adding a job application on the website and give them a seamless flow troughout the proccess.

User flow

The sitemap displays what paths the user can take, focusing on an easy UX experience.


UX design solutions

  • Quick overview of what the website has to offer within the first glance on the website.

  • Add shortcuts by keywords on homepage so that the user can get to a job listing in one click.

  • Subscribe and unsubscribe with only a few clicks.

  • Split the job listing process up in multiple sections with clear instructions so that there are no surprises.



‘Nunito Sans’ typography together with gray scale primary colours and pastel comlimentary colours resulted in a minimalistic design that is suitable for a broad audience. Compared to other similar websites, Findwork feels de cluttered and structured according to test users. The outcome displayed here is a second iteration and will continue to evolve as we get more user data.



I really enjoyed working on this project. I learned a lot from being a part of a project from scratch and make most of the design decisions on my own. From a UX point of view, we are continuously following up, A/B testing and iterating to make sure that the design is as user friendly as possible to users.

© Jana Buconjic, 2024 |